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The true value of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation is not how it has changed your life, but how it has enabled you to change the lives of others.
Give the gift of education
We believe that quality education offers the best route out of poverty and misery. Through the Gift of Education, we are not only impacting the lives of students, but also the lives of their families and future generations. Make a difference today!

The Impact of your gift

for Living Allowance

for Books

for Accommodation

for Tuition Fees
Your contribution makes a real difference in someone’s life. It provides bright, promising, deserving students with the opportunity to achieve their dreams and make their mark in the world. Here is how your contributions are aiding one student by lightening his/her financial burden on average monthly.
At Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, we believe in and nurture our beneficiaries with the mindset that the acts of kindness build exponentially in a community, and one good deed deserves another. We believe that “paying it forward” can make the world a better place.

Graeme Tan Jie

Graeme Tan Jie
BA (Hons) Digital Film Production,
Sunway University Kuala Lumpur,
Graduate year: 2021
This is something that I live by when it comes to remembering and also honouring those who went before me, those that nurtured me, and those who were part of my journey. Giving back is not just a priority, but a necessity. I always believe in sowing into the next generation and seeing them succeed. I love teaching and imparting knowledge to people, as I find joy through that. During my time at Sunway, I organised workshops to teach people photography skills in my club. I believe that with the right amount of guidance and support, we can all achieve anything.
During my precious time in Sunway, I was part of the Sunway Student Ambassadors (SSA), and through that, I was able to give back to the community through different outreach. One that really stuck with me and is edged into my memory is the time when we visited Rumah Juara Puchong, which was an orphanage that SSA supports. Through that, I was able to go on ground to document everything that happened that day and also be part of the activity. On top of that, I was also part of the different initiatives organised by the club in partnership with Closing the Gap & MY Readers programme where we guide and lead the new batch of scholars.
One of my personal key highlights of achievement during my time in Sunway is definitely being awarded the valedictorian for my graduating batch. This award really encouraged me a lot and is an affirmation as well as recognition for the things that I do.
A key Giving experience that I’ve encountered is definitely the time given and talent contribution during my time with SSA. Being part of the club has taught me what it is like to be selfless. Having my seniors reach out to me with their support and encouragement, it made me realise the importance of giving. And it’s true when they say it is better to give, than to receive.

Shamalan Rajesvaran

Shamalan Rajesvaran
Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) (Data Analytics),
Sunway University Kuala Lumpur,
Graduate year: 2022
I was involved in a project of setting up a centre that provides education for refugee children called Manna House Learning Centre. Refugee children are denied access to the formal education system in Malaysia. Hence, my team and I worked tirelessly to set up a learning space for refugee children. I genuinely believe that giving back to the community has not just transformed my perspective, but I have also learnt so much about various communities, which has allowed me to play an active role in giving back. This sense of community awareness has been pivotal for me to learn how I can play a more active role in bringing about a positive impact to the community.
This has undoubtedly been an eye-opening experience. It has given me a first-hand view of the daily struggles and challenges of the refugees. It can be easy for us to take our privileges for granted—for example, the ability and access to education and work. Any contribution is vital to the continuation of charity. So, I became more invested in their struggles and strived to help and learn as much as possible. Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to make a significant impact in a small way. This experience has made me far more passionate about this topic.
In addition, when I was the President of the Sunway College Student Council (SCC), I worked closely with my community service director to run a community service programme during Valentine’s Day. The event centred around selling roses, upon which the profits would be donated to SHELTER: Home for Children which is an NGO that shelters abused, neglected and abandoned children. Thanks to the fantastic effort from my team, we were able to garner a substantial profit to be donated to the welfare centre.
Throughout my experience as the president of SCC, I have learnt the importance of active leadership, to be directly involved with my team. This includes constantly encouraging them, engaging with them, and, most importantly, cheering them on. This experience has undoubtedly made me a far more competent and emphatic leader. It is essential that I was energetic and compassionate to form meaningful connections with the team. It would, then, be a much more fulfilling experience for everyone.
To sum up, I believe altruism brings about a sense of satisfaction, happiness and fosters better relationships as well as social connections. It truly warms my heart to realise that I, too can bring about a positive impact to someone. I know to some extent that I am privileged to be where I am and enjoy what I have. Therefore, I find it essential to lend a helping hand where possible or whenever I am able because it’s the least I can do to give back to the community.

Raenuga A/P Indran

Raenuga A/P Indran
BSc (Hons) Psychology,
Sunway University Kuala Lumpur,
Graduate year: 2020

Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra

Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biomedicine,
Sunway University Kuala Lumpur,
Graduate year: Current student
“What is done in love is done well.” I have always kept these words by Vincent van Gogh close to me as I navigate life in university and eventually the adult world. Debate is a huge part of my life, and it has given me so much: lifelong relationships, confidence in myself, a love for learning, and so on. Van Gogh’s words serve as a reminder not only for me to seek fulfilment in what I do; they remind me if there is someone else out there who might share the same love for something as I do, and so I have a duty to make sure they have an opportunity to pursue the same.
I have always been aware of privilege. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunities and platforms I have received, and I try my best to use my luck and privilege to help those who have not been as lucky. Having some previous experience, I felt I had a responsibility to impart it onto the next generation of debaters who may not have had strong debating backgrounds, or strong public speaking confidence, or even a strong sense of community. I started out my debating career offering free online coaching to high school students during the pandemic. So, once I was in university, I took on the presidential role in Sunway Debate Club to fulfil a promise I had made: not to waste the passion and experience I have, and instead use it for others to discover the same. I think all of us are not bounded by differences in talent or skill; the only thing separating us is opportunity. I have worked in Sunway Debate Club to make sure as many people in my community are not deprived of it.
I have taught debate to a diverse group of secondary school students even prior to starting my journey in Sunway University. I will never forget watching my students mature in the sport and as individuals. They always seem to find the time to thank me for the guidance I have offered as a mentor, and even though I am fully aware that a lot of the progress they made was attributed to my students’ own hard work, they serve as a reminder for me to continue giving to the community in which I hold on to dearly, as it is the members of our community who will carry it on after us.
One of my personal highlights was when I came home as amongst the Top 10 speakers in Asia after the annual 2022 Asian Championships. It was a culmination of all the countless days and nights I have put into the sport and my club. The award only gave me the motivation to strive higher and continue to contribute to our club members, as they were instrumental in giving me the platform in the first place.
As sitting president of Sunway Debate Club, I dedicate my time to ensuring a fair and open space for our members to develop not just skills for debate on a competitive level, but to also develop the self-confidence needed to translate into real-world interactions. Above all, I have done my best to foster a strong sense of community in the club, where our members feel safe to talk about anything and everything, and to trust one another as equals. To do so, my wonderful team and I have successfully done multiple workshops, training series, and mini events for our members. Furthermore, as tournaments sometimes incur a high registration fee, I place focus on increasing our members’ accessibility to competitive opportunities as much as I can, whether it is through subsidising the teams using the club’s funding, seeking sponsorships, or raising funds on our own. I cannot take all the credit and owe a great deal to my fellow club committee as well. Through our teamwork, I am proud to say we have built a strong community where our friendships triumph over any other competitive achievement we have brought home.
JCF Scholars: Turning Opportunity into Impact
In this heartwarming video, three JCF Community Scholars share their inspiring journeys of how the JCF Community Scholarship has transformed their lives. They reflect on the opportunities it has provided and how they are now paying it forward by uplifting others in their communities.